1 city. 6 tracks. 10 minutes.

After six years in London, it was time to move on. Too big, too busy, too noisy, the capital of the UK was losing its appeal. I needed somewhere new, smaller, and friendlier. So I moved to Bristol. It is noisy and busy too, but not like London. I don’t associate my new home with air traffic, honking cars, squeaky underground, and impenetrable languages. It is a human place, filled with people living and using the city as their space, but not to the detriment of nature and wildlife. There are many sounds I did not record. As I cycled and walked the city in the making of this album, many more sounds grabbed my ears. There are building works whichever way you look in the city centre, children playgrounds in every park, the chatter of crowds by the harbour on a sunny day, the inflating of hot air ballons, hen parties wandering drunk and happy late at night, etc. But those sounds are not my Bristol, not the ones that have engraved themselves in my mind after nine months in a new home.